
Open Mortal is a parody of the once popular coin-up fighting game, Mortal Kombat, for Windows and Linux. It is currently playable, has 16 playable characters, some more in the making. New characters can be added, so be a Open Mortal actor today!
OpenMortal is freely available, released under the GNU General Public Licence.
Latest News...
2006-06-15 Released 0.7.1 with some additional backgrounds from KAMI. Thanks!
2004-09-05 OpenMortal development has come to a pause recently. But
the good news is, that there's a new contributed character. Read more about
him at
He will be released with openmortal 0.8.
2004-05-01 Version 0.7 is released. Brief changelog:
- OpenMortal now runs in high or true color video mode (instead of 256-color).
- Transparent shadows
- Added "team mode": both player can choose many fighters into a team. When a fighter dies, the next in the team takes his/her place.
- New (non-proprietary) sound effects.
- New character: Judy
- One new arena
2004-04-20 There is a new binary self-installing package for MacOS X.
2004-03-03 Version 0.6 is released. Brief changelog:
- New character: Aisha
- One new arena
- Improved network mode (fair game for both players)
- Portugese translation
- Joystick / gamepad support
- Improved blocking and slightly :) better game balance.
- Projectiles for all! :)
2004-02-28. New and improved Characters page!
2004-01-31. Version 0.5 is released. Brief changelog:
- Translations (4 languages)
- Shadows
- Network mode and MortalNet
- Parallax scrolled background (in 3 arenas so far)
- New fonts
- One more arena
- Friendlier player key selection
2004-01-07. Version 0.4 is available! Changes are:
- One extra story screen.
- New "earthquake" visual effect.
- New "official" characters: Ambrus, Dani
- 5 new third party characters! (Thanks, guys!)
- 6 more arenas
- Projectile attacks
- Game speed can be set from menu
- Gameplay improvements: "Maximum combo" (no infinite combos) and no more "cornering"
- Several bugfixes
2003.11.26. Openmortal is now available for MacOS X. See the download page for details!
2003.09.28. Added Character-HOWTO to the developer documentation. If you are interested in creating your own characters, this page will be everything you need.. Oh you will also need a camera. And a computer. And a video lamp, a lot of free time, mats, tripods.....
2003.09.21. The one and only magical OpenMortal mailing list created, so if you want to get involved, more info, up-to-date stuff, or just plain curious, you can join now. All you have to do is visit this link!
2003.09.12. New webpage design. Hopefully it will make navigation easier. Also added the top-level design.
2003.09.01. Added CVS access to the project. For the commandline-able, simply access it by issuing:
cvs login cvs -z3 co openmortalYou can also examine the CVS repository with this web-based CVS repository viewer. For further info see SourceForge's CVS info.
2003.08.31. There is a new page about the making of Mortál Szombat.
2003.08.31. Version 0.3 available. Menu! Sounds! Music! Additional characters! And you only had to wait for it 7 months! :)
2003.02.23. Uploaded stuff to and What a rush, this server has never seen so many hits!!!
2003.02.16. Website completed. Added download, characters, discussions. Someone please download the thing and start playing with it :)
2003.02.06. Website up. Some of the links are still broken, please bear with me.
2003.01.16. Version 0.2 available. Now with 8 playable characters and numerous improvements.