CBackend | Access to the perl game engine |
CBackend::SDoodad | |
CBackend::SPlayer | |
CBackground | Draws the multi-layered background of each arena |
CBackground::SBackgroundLayer | |
CChallengeMenu | Displays the 'you have been challenged' screen |
CChatMenu | The Chat menu is displayed instead of the regular CMenu when the user is connected to MortalNet |
CChooser | CChooser is a control for choosing fighters |
CCourtainViewElement | This view element implements the "opening courtain" effect at the start of the player selection routine |
CCreditsDemo | |
CDemo | CDemo is the base class for every specific demo |
CEnumMenuItem | Enumerated menu items have an integer value, and a set of values and texts which they can display for the user |
CEuDemo | |
CFighterStatDemo | This is a specialized CDemo which displays the stats of a fighter |
CFighterStatsDemo | |
CFlyingChars | Characters jumping onto the screen to form the text in demos |
CFlyingChars::SEnqueuedText | |
CFlyingChars::SFlyingLetter | |
CFlyingPortraitViewElement | Flying portrait element for CPlayerSelectView |
CGame | For running the frontend of a game |
CJoystick | |
CKeyQueue | CKeyQueue is used to introduce a certain amount of negative or positive lag to keystrokes |
CKeyQueue::SEnqueuedKey | |
CMainScreenDemo | |
CMenu | Base class for menu systems in OpenMortal |
CMenuItem | Basic menu item |
CMortalNetwork | Mortal Network messages: |
CMortalNetwork::SGameParams | |
CMortalNetworkImpl | Implementation of the CMortalNetwork interface |
CNetworkMenu | The Network displays and modifies the network connection parameters |
COnlineChat | The "" chat protocol should be simple enough.. |
COnlineChatBEImpl | Implementation of the COnlineChatBE interface |
COpenMortalAudio | Audio services for OpenMortal (sound and music) |
COpenMortalAudioPriv | |
CPlayerSelect | This class implements services that allows players to select their fighters |
CPlayerSelectController | Controller part model-view-controller architecture of the player selection |
CPlayerSelectView | View part model-view-controller architecture of the player selection |
CRlePack | CRlePack is an array of images, compressed with runlength encoding |
CRlePack_P | Internal data of CRlePack |
CStory1Demo | |
CStory2Demo | |
CSurfaceLocker | |
CTeamDisplay | Displays teams in the player selection screen for CPlayerSelectView |
CTeamFlashViewElement | This view element flashes the title and '?' mark of active teams |
CTextArea | CTextArea displays scrolling text |
CTextMenuItem | Text menu items are like regular menu items, but they have a text value which can be set |
Guard | |
IOnlineChatBE | This is a backend class which implements communication services with the MortalNet backend |
IOnlineChatBE::SChatEvent | |
IOnlineChatBE::UserInfo | |
IOnlineEventSink | IBackendEventSink is an interface for receiving events from IOnlineChatBE |
IViewElement | A visual element that runs independently within CPlayerSelectView |
SFpsCounter | |
SGameTickPackage | |
SKeystrokePackage | |
SMortalEvent | |
SPlayerInfo | PlayerInfo structure stores information about a PLAYER |
SRleSprite | CRleSprite is a runlength encoded sprite that can be blitted flipped |
SRoundOrder | |
SState | SState aggregates all the state variables of OpenMortal that do not belong to the backend |